Terms & Conditions of Sales


The Presbytery of Bugarach


1. Preamble

1. The purpose of these general conditions is to define the terms and conditions under which the establishment allows its customers (hereinafter ""the Customer(s)"") to benefit from all the Services, in particular reservations, available .

· On website www. lepresbyteredebugarach.fr .

The Presbytery of Bugarach operates the reservation site www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com . This website presents the Establishment Le Presbytère de Bugarach and allows the reservation of rooms in its establishment, the reservation of the table d'hôte at an additional cost and the sale of regional products online or on site.

· By telephone from the number +33 (0)675027734

· On site at reception, in Bugarach.

· By the agencies selected by the Presbytery of Bugarach

· Through Partners.

2. Any reservation made through the site www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com assumes consultation and complete and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions as well as the conditions of sale of the reserved rate expressly mentioned in the description of the rate selected at the time of booking.

The Customer must confirm by checking the box that they have read and accepted these general conditions and the conditions of sale of the reserved rate before definitively validating their reservation; no reservation is possible without this agreement.

For any other method of reservation, the Customer receives the general conditions of sale with the confirmation of their reservation. Confirmation of reservation implies adherence to these conditions of sale and complete and unreserved acceptance of their provisions.

3. The Customer has the option of saving and editing these general conditions using the standard functionalities of his browser or computer.

4. The following information appears on the Site:

· the legal notice allowing precise identification of Le Presbytère de Bugarach and indicating its company name, its head office, its individual identification number subject to value added tax,

· the email address and telephone details allowing you to contact Le Presbytère de Bugarach,

· the essential characteristics of the accommodation offered by Le Presbytère de Bugarach,

· the essential characteristics of the additional and optional services offered,

· prices all taxes included,

· the conditions of sale of the reserved rate,

· payment terms,

· the general conditions of sale,

· the validity period of the offers and the price thereof.

5. The Customer, prior to booking, declares that this reservation is made for his personal needs. The Customer, by virtue of his status as a consumer, has specific rights, which would be called into question in the event that the Services reserved are not for personal purposes.

6. All information communicated on the Site www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com is presented in French as well as in English.

7. The Customer declares that he has full legal capacity allowing him to commit to these general conditions.

Any reservation made by a minor (between 16 and 18 years old) can only be taken into account by Le Presbytère de Bugarach after obtaining a signed release from the legal representatives of the minor who made the reservation and any accompanying minors. The establishment reserves the right to request any supporting documents necessary to authenticate the signature of the release.

2. Definitions

For the remainder of this document, the terms below will have the following meaning:

· ""Reservation summary"": dematerialized document which summarizes the characteristics of the Services selected by the Customer on the website www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com. This document precedes the acceptance by the Customer of these General Conditions of Sale and the entry by the Customer of his banking information as part of a prepayment or guarantee.

· ""Reservation confirmation"": electronic document sent to the customer to notify them that their reservation has been taken into account which summarizes the characteristics of the Services reserved by the Customer on the website www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com .

· ""Client"": natural person acting exclusively for their personal needs

· ""Conditions of sale of the reserved rate"": Price applied on the date selected by the Customer for a category of room with breakfast, associated with its payment conditions, its conditions for changing reservation dates or Services reserved and its cancellation conditions.

· ""Reservation request"": request for reservation of rooms, products and Services on the website www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com , carried out by the Client.

· ""The Establishment"": refers to the rooms and tables of the Presbytère located in Bugarach and operated by the company Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

· ""Le Presbytère de Bugarach"": commercial name of the company Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

· «Partners"": refers to any Service provider having concluded a Service provision contract or partnership agreement with Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

· ""Service"": reservation of rooms, products and Services in the Establishment, made by the Customer.

· ""Site"": refers to the website www. lepresbyteredebugarach.com .

3. Purpose

1. These general conditions define the rights and obligations of the Client and the company operating the Establishment for all types of reservations (including remote reservations) of Services offered by Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

2. They govern all the steps necessary for the reservation and the monitoring of the reservation between the contracting parties.

3. The Customer acknowledges having read these general conditions of sale and the Conditions of sale of the reserved rate and having accepted them.

4. Changes

The Presbytère de Bugarach reserves the right to modify or supplement at any time all or part of these general conditions of sale. In this case, the new version of the general conditions will be available on the Site with its effective date. The Customer is advised to regularly consult the general conditions of sale to be aware of any possible modifications. In any event, the Client will only be bound by the version of the general conditions in force at the time the Client makes the reservation for their Service.

The Presbytère de Bugarach is not responsible for damage of any nature which may result from these changes and/or temporary unavailability or the permanent closure of all or part of the Site or the Services associated with it, such as the online reservation space, the private space, the unavailability of the reservation center.

5. Reservation

1. The Client chooses Services from among those offered by Le Presbytère de Bugarach according to his needs.

2. The Customer declares having obtained from Le Presbytère de Bugarach all the information necessary to make their choice and continue their reservation.

3. The Customer acknowledges having read the nature, price, destination and reservation methods of the Services available and having requested and obtained necessary and/or additional information, in particular the Conditions of sale of the reserved rate, to make his reservation. with full knowledge of the facts.

4. The Customer may reserve, on an individual basis, a maximum number of two (2) rooms per reservation on the Site. For any reservation of a greater number of rooms, the Customer can be called by the Presbytère de Bugarach team, by clicking on the link provided for this purpose on the ""contact"" insert, contact the reservation center directly or the Establishment.

4. The Client is solely responsible for his choice of Services and their suitability to his needs, such that Le Presbytère de Bugarach cannot be held responsible in this regard.

5. The reservation is deemed accepted by the Customer at the end of the reservation process.

6. All reservations are personal and cannot under any circumstances be transferred to a third party, whether free of charge or for a fee. Any reservation made for others must be made in the name of the third party holding the stay. Fees for transferring a reservation under another name may apply.

6. Booking process

1. The reservation made by the Customer is made directly online on the Site or via the reservation center – No. +33 (0)675027734

2. The reservation request is confirmed upon receipt by the Customer of the Reservation Confirmation, sent by Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

3. The Customer undertakes, prior to any reservation, to complete the mandatory information requested when creating the reservation file.

4. The Client certifies the truth and accuracy of the information transmitted.

5. The reservation procedure includes the following steps:

· Step 1 - Choice of room capacity (1 to 4 people) and conditions of sale of the reserved rate,

· Step 2 - Selection, if applicable, of one or more additional services offered,

· Step 3 - Presentation of the summary of the reservation, its total price, the Conditions of sale of the reserved rate which includes in particular the payment conditions and the Cancellation conditions, modifications if necessary to the choice of services (date, room, price , additional service), and information concerning the tourist tax,

·Step 4 – Registration of their contact details by the Customer,

· Step 5 - General Conditions of Sale:

On the Site, the Customer confirms, by checking the box, having read and accepted these General Conditions and the Conditions of Sale of the reserved rate before definitively validating their reservation; no reservation is possible without this agreement.

For any other method of reservation, the Customer receives the general conditions of sale with the confirmation of their reservation. Confirmation of reservation implies adherence to these conditions of sale and complete and unreserved acceptance of their provisions.

· Step 6 - Registration of bank card numbers in the event of a guarantee or prepayment request,

· Step 7 - Confirmation and Validation of the reservation and payment by the Customer. Entering banking information reflects the Customer's acceptance and has the effect of contractually committing him to the Establishment.

· Step 8 - Receipt by the Customer of the email confirming their reservation. This email summarizes the date of reservation made, the Services reserved, the prices including tax with details of applicable taxes, the Conditions of sale of the reserved rate (including the cancellation conditions), accepted by the Customer, the general conditions of sale as well as the address of the Establishment.

If the confirmation email is not received within 72 hours of the Reservation, it is up to the Customer to contact the Establishment to ensure the information communicated and that the reservation is taken into account.

7. Cancellation or modification by the Customer

1. The Customer is reminded, in accordance with article L. 221-28-12 of the Consumer Code, that he does not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code. consumption.

2. The Conditions of Sale of the reserved rate and accepted by the Customer specify the terms of cancellation and/or modification of the reservation. Reservations with prepayment for a non-refundable and non-cancellable rate cannot be subject to any modification and/or cancellation.

3. Interruption of stay, in the case of reservation with prepayment, for a non-refundable and non-cancellable rate, does not give rise to any refund.

4. When the Conditions of Sale of the reserved rate allow it:

· the cancellation of a reservation made from the Site or directly with the Establishment, can be made to the Establishment by email or by telephone.

· the modification of the reservation can be made directly with the Establishment, whose telephone details are specified on the confirmation email received by the Customer.

· In the event of a "no show", that is to say in the event of a reservation not canceled but for which the client has not shown up on the scheduled date of arrival at the Presbytère de Bugarach and to the extent that the reservation has been guaranteed by deposit, the Establishment will keep, as compensation, the amount paid, and will not reimburse the amount paid as this prepayment, regardless of the length of the stay.

8. Cancellation by the Hotel

In the event of it being impossible to make the reserved room available to the Client or in the event of an exceptional event or force majeure, Le Presbytère de Bugarach may offer the Client an alternative accommodation solution or, failing that, a refund of the full amount paid to the Establishment for the stay. In the case of a reaccommodation procedure, the Customer can also request the cancellation of his reservation which then gives rise to a reimbursement of the sums paid.

9. Stay at the Bugarach Presbytery

1. All guests staying at the property must present valid identification upon check-in. Failing this, Le Presbytère de Bugarach may refuse to rent a room to her and/or cancel the reservation she had made without the possibility, where applicable, of reimbursement, in accordance with the Conditions of sale of the reserved rate.

Foreign customers, including accompanying adults and adolescents over 15 years old, must complete an ""individual police form"". Children under the age of fifteen may appear on the form of an accompanying adult. The information contained therein is governed by the Code of entry and stay of foreigners and the right to asylum, article R.611-42.

The client can only introduce third parties into the room after having requested express authorization from Le Presbytère de Bugarach, which reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks.

2. The Presbytery of Bugarach reserves the right to welcome or refuse cats and dogs, on a case by case basis. In all cases, they will be welcomed provided that they are kept on a leash in all common areas of the establishment, it being specified that the Presbytère de Bugarach may refuse to accommodate any pet or other animal likely to present a risk. safety for other occupants, the assessment of this risk being left to the discretion of the Establishment. For hygiene reasons, animals are not allowed in the catering areas (These provisions do not apply to guide or assistance dogs). In order to guarantee everyone's peace and quiet, animals must not be left alone without supervision.

You may be charged a supplement per animal; we invite you to contact the Establishment to find out the terms of acceptance.

3. The Client accepts and undertakes to use the room as well as the common areas made available to him in a reasonable manner. Any behavior contrary to the principles of safety and/or hygiene, good morals and/or public order may lead the Presbytery of Bugarach to ask the Client to leave the establishment, without reimbursement.

4. Any damage caused by the guest or by the occupants of his or her fault in the room or in the various spaces occupied by him or her during his or her stay must be reported to the reception of the Establishment or to the Manager in charge and may be directly invoiced for the repair costs.

For safety reasons and out of respect for everyone, smoking is strictly prohibited within the premises of the Establishment and in the garden. In accordance with the Public Health Code in its provisions establishing the conditions of application of the ban on smoking in places designated for collective use, smoking in the Establishment exposes the client to the fine provided for violations of the third class or legal proceedings.

Penalties equal to a maximum of the price of the reserved room may be applied if the Customer does not respect the signage prohibiting smoking in their room.

5. The Bugarach Presbytery has House Rules intended for the Client. The Client accepts and undertakes to respect the said Rules, the provisions of which apply both to him and to any occupant of his place. In the event of violation of the provisions of the said Rules, Le Presbytère de Bugarach may immediately evict the client and all persons sharing their stay, without any compensation and/or without any reimbursement if payment has already been made. He may also refuse any future reservations.

6. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Customer must leave the room before 10:00 a.m. on the day the reservation ends. Failing this, he may be billed for an additional night.

7. In the context of a health crisis or any other exceptional circumstance, if measures restricting access or even prohibiting the operation of certain spaces open to the public, were taken by the Government or any other competent authority, the Client is informed that, The Presbytère de Bugarach could not make available certain services other than accommodation (access to the restaurant, the lounge, etc.) or make these services available partially, without the responsibility of the Presbytère de Bugarach being able to be questioned. The Establishment will then make its best efforts to bring this information to the attention of the Client on the Site and/or on any other medium, as quickly as possible.

The Customer will not be able to claim any refund of the price paid or any discount.

10. Liability

1. The photographs presented on the Site are not contractual. Even if all the best efforts are made so that the photographs, graphic representations and texts reproduced to illustrate the Establishment presented, give as accurate an overview as possible of the accommodation services offered, variations may occur, in particular due to the change furniture or possible renovations. The Customer cannot claim any claim as a result.

2. In accordance with the laws and regulations governing intellectual property rights, the use and/or reproduction of all or part of the elements making up the Le presbytère de Bugarach offers present on the Site are strictly prohibited, as is any reproduction of the decorations. and/or characteristic elements of the Establishment.

In order to respect the privacy and image rights of other customers, employees, partners, owners and their children of Le Presbytère de Bugarach, the Customer is prohibited from taking photographs of them within the premises of the Establishment. or its dependenciesor his garden and/or to publish photographs taken in such conditions.

3. Le Presbytère de Bugarach will not incur any liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the actions of a third party, the Client or partners of Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

4. Hypertext links may refer to sites other than the Website, which disclaims all responsibility for the content of these sites and the Services offered. The Presbytery of Bugarach puts in place protection and security measures for its information system against malicious acts, however, connecting to the Site and making a reservation implies for the Customer, knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, the absence of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or hacking or risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network. The Presbytère de Bugarach declines all responsibility in the event of misuse or incident linked to the use of the computer or any medium allowing access to the Internet, maintenance or malfunction of the website or any other connection. technical and sending information to the wrong address.

5. Any reservation or payment which is irregular, inoperative, incomplete or fraudulent for a reason attributable to the Customer will result in the cancellation of the order at the Customer's expense, without prejudice to any civil or criminal action against the latter.

6. The Presbytery of Bugarach reserves the right not to receive or to expel, without reimbursement, clients whose attire is indecent, whose attire is intended to conceal the face (Law No. 2010-1192 of October 11, 2010 ), customers with noisy, improper or alcoholic behavior, customers whose behavior is contrary to hygiene, good morals and public order. Proper attire is required in the common areas, the area reserved for catering, the garden and in the public areas of the Establishment.

The Client is courteous and respectful towards the staff of the Establishment. Under penalty of exclusion without reimbursement, the Customer refrains from any verbal or physical violence, any racist or sexist behavior or comments as well as any form of harassment.

11. Price

1. The prices relating to the reservation of the Services are communicated before and during the reservation.

2. The prices communicated are per room for the number of people and the date(s) selected. Unless otherwise stated, additional Services (half board, picnics, drinks, etc.) are not included in the price. When confirming the Client's reservation, the total amount of the Services reservation will be indicated.

The prices take into account the VAT applicable on the day of the reservation and any change in the rate applicable to the VAT will be automatically reflected in the prices indicated on the invoice date.

3. Prices are confirmed to the Customer all taxes included (TTC), in the commercial currency of the Establishment (the Euro). The prices communicated are only valid for a specific period. All reservations are payable in Euros.

4. The tourist tax, and any other tax specific to the municipalities indicated for each price, must be paid directly on site to the Establishment, except in the case of online prepayment where this amount can be included.

5. Any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities will be automatically reflected in the prices indicated on the invoice date. In fact, prices may be increased by various taxes. These taxes will be communicated to the Customer at the time of booking, if they are known to the Establishment at that time. Failing this, they will be displayed in the Establishment. The Customer undertakes to pay the various taxes, without any dispute to the Establishment.

12. Payment

1. The Customer communicates his payment data either (i) to prepay the reservation before the stay, or (ii) as a guarantee of the reservation in the event of a ""no show"". When it comes to a bank card, the information required is: the bank card number, without spaces between the numbers, the validity date (it is specified that the bank card used must be valid at the time of the stay) and the visual cryptogram as part of a prepayment.

The Presbytery of Bugarach has chosen ATOS (i.e. Payment Service Provider) to secure online prepayments by bank card using 3D Secure. The Customer's payment card is subject to security controls (outstanding control, control of the country of the card, control of the country of the IP address, etc.) by the designated partner and may be refused for several reasons: card stolen or blocked, ceiling reached, entry error etc. In the event of a problem, the Customer must contact their bank on the one hand, and the Establishment or any other entity, on the other hand, to confirm their reservation of the Service and their method of payment.

The online payment methods available and communicated may be Visa and Mastercard, American Express, etc. This list is subject to change.

2. Payment is debited at the Establishment during the stay, except in the case of special conditions or rates where payment is debited at the time of booking (prepayment on certain rates).

3. When making a reservation with the Establishment, for an amount greater than 500 euros, the Customer will be systematically asked to make payment by transfer.

Payment by transfer may also be requested for lower amounts or at the express request of the customer.

4. In the event of payment to the Establishment, the Customer must present to the Establishment the bank card which allowed them to guarantee the reservation or make the prepayment in order to ensure the identity of the Customer. The Presbytery of Bugarach may also ask him to present an identity document for the purposes of preventing bank card fraud.

Any cash payment cannot exceed 500 euros. In the event that the Customer's tax domicile is abroad, the cash payment cannot exceed 1000 euros.

If the Customer has not prepaid their stay, the Establishment will ask the Customer, upon arrival, to pay for the entire stay.

6. At the time of prepayment or payment of the deposit, the amount which is debited during the reservation includes: at least 50% of the price of the accommodation, and may also include: taxes linked to the accommodation, the price of the catering if chosen, taxes linked to the catering and any other additional services selected by the Client excluding tourist tax and/or any other tax which would be due due to the Client's stay in the guest room . The balance must be paid in full during the stay and before leaving the establishment.

13. Personal data

1. Your personal data requested as part of your reservation, namely your title, surname, first name, your postal address, your telephone number with country code, your email address, your payment card references (Number, type of card , name of the holder, expiration date and cryptogram in the event that it is transmitted to us) as well as any data communicated or generated by your browsing constitute confidential data.

2. They are only accessible to the manager of Le Presbytère de Bugarach and are intended to process your reservations and stays and; provided that you have accepted by checking the corresponding box, to send you our newsletter, or respond to your requests or communicate commercial offers. They are kept for the duration necessary for the commercial relationship established between the Client and Le Presbytère de Bugarach.

3. Certain information requested in the forms is mandatory and is indicated by an asterisk. If you choose not to communicate them to us, we will not be able to process your request.

4. In accordance with the ""Informatique et Libertés"" law of January 6, 1978 as amended, you benefit in particular from a right of access, rectification, erasure, and to request a limitation of the processing of personal data concerning you.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons and the right to object to the processing of your data for commercial prospecting purposes as well as the right to give us instructions on the fate of your data after your dead.

To find out more about the processing of your data and all of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our policy

of confidentiality available on the Site.

To exercise these rights, please contact the Presbytery of Bugarach.

5. When the processing of your data involves a transfer outside the European Union, these transfers are carried out in return for appropriate guarantees. When the sharing of this information involves a transfer to the United States, said transfer is made on the basis of Privacy Shield certification or on the basis of the standard contractual clauses of the European Union.

In particular when paying online, the Customer's bank details must be transmitted by the payment provider to the Establishment's bank, for the execution of the guest room reservation contract.

The Customer consents to this transfer for the execution of his contract.

14. Information about the BLOCTEL device

As provided for in article L.223-2 of the Consumer Code: The customer has the right to register on the list of opposition to telephone canvassing available via the following link:https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/ ""

15. Convention of proof

1. Entering the required banking information, as well as accepting these general conditions and the voucher or reservation request, constitutes acceptance of the sales contract, between the parties, having the same value as a handwritten signature .

2. The computerized records kept in the Establishment's computer systems will be kept in reasonable security conditions and considered as proof of communications, orders and payments made between the parties.

16. Force majeure

The Presbytère de Bugarach cannot be held responsible towards the Client in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure.

Likewise, the Client cannot be held responsible towards Le Presbytère de Bugarach in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure.

Force majeure or fortuitous events are those usually recognized by the French Courts.

17. Applicable law

These General Conditions of Sale are governed by French law.

18. Completeness

1. These General Conditions of Sale, the conditions of sale of the rate reserved by the Customer, and the reservation confirmation express the entirety of the obligations of the parties.

2. No general or specific conditions communicated by the Customer may be integrated into these general conditions.

3. The documents forming the contractual commitments between the parties are, in descending order of priority, the voucher or the reservation request (including the specific conditions of the reserved rate) having been validated by the Customer and these terms and conditions.

4. In the event of a contradiction between the reservation confirmation and these general conditions, the provisions appearing on the reservation confirmation will be the only ones applicable to the obligation in question.

19. Mediation

1. The customer is informed by Le Presbytère de Bugarach of the possibility of resorting, in the event of a dispute relating to these general conditions, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative method of dispute resolution, under the conditions provided for in Title I of Book VI of the Consumer Code.

2. After contacting the manager of the Establishment, to try to resolve the dispute amicably, and in the event of a negative response or no response within sixty (60) days from the referral, the The customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator if he or she considers it necessary to contest the Establishment's decision by contacting Médiation Tourisme et Voyage BP 80303, 75823 Paris Cedex 17 – info@mtv.travelwww.mtv.travel . Referral to the Mediator can be made within twelve (12) months after the first complaint.

3. The Presbytère de Bugarach also informs the client of the existence of a European platform for Online Dispute Resolution (""RLL"") which he can use. The customer can access it from the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ .

General Conditions of Sale updated on 04/11/2024.